Friday, August 9, 2013

I'm Still Here


I've come to realize that I am very horrible at keeping up a blog. It has been almost a year since I've blogged! Needless to say, I have some updating to do. I will try to hit the main ones the best I can.

It is currently summer and my life is scattered! I am eagerly preparing myself to get back to a school schedule. And I am happy to announce that we are still homeschooling next year! :) Trust me when I say, that is a huge accomplishment. I finally feel like we have found what works for us! In a sense. Homeschooling has been such a blessing and I pray for continued strength! We have changed it up a little though. We were doing CHC and a local charter school but our local charter was 20 minutes away and required a lot of work for me which I didn't feel I could continue this next year. I decided to go a more simple way and enroll in Seton. Yes, I know it is a lot of work but I'm trying it out this next year while I gain experience and confidence. 

The Country has been a little hard to live in lately. I love the area but I feel as if my soul battles with the seclusion of this town. My soul yearns for more frequent union with Christ in adoration, daily mass, group rosaries, etc. however the closest church is 20 minutes away. With kids, it can be discouraging and I have not been able to participate in as much as I want. It makes me sad and I want to move back. We are discerning In where we should go or if we Should stay. Southern California is not the easiest place for a single income family to raise their children in. It can be very pricey. Any prayers would be very much appreciated. 

I don't have time to edit this quite yet but if I don't post now then I probably won't at all. But I do promise to get back on soon and edit, update some more And add some pictures of my heart pieces. 

One last thing. Please keep my husband and I in your prayers for our Total Consecration. We are in the midst of our first consecration and are determined to finish this time! 

Thank you and God Bless!! 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Catching Up

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long! I have so much to tell!

1. We have been so busy with getting everything ready for homeschool. We made the decision to return to homeschooling was so spontaneous and unexpected that I had absolutely nothing prepared. As soon as we made the final decision to jump in and get started the following week I was very busy trying to pull everything together.

I have such a peace about our new life choice and my new vocation. It feels like I am home again after being away on vacation for so long. I did a beautiful Novena for Homeschooling Mothers to start off our first week and I have to say.... why did I not do this before? The amount of patience and Grace that I have received is beyond I could have ever expected. I thank God for this over and over again throughout the day. Words cannot expressed the weight of this precious gift of grace.

2. I got Mastitis. And when I say I got Mastitis...I got it bad. I have had it before with Little Optimus but this one was way worse. And not to mention it really hit me out of nowhere. Or maybe I was just in denial. When I first starting getting sore I started texting a friend about it. Being more experienced than I am, she immediately starting referring to Mastitis. For those of you who don't know what it is, just click here. When she started texting me about it I was in denial and I went out grocery shopping... then.. as an hour or two went by I felt 1000x worse. When I got home I had a very bad case of the chills and a 104 degree fever. Have any of you tried cabbage leaves? That was a tip she gave me. And it worked wonderfully. I also called the doctor in my despair and he ordered me a prescription. Note to all: finish your medication when you are given it. Its a medication that you have to take 4 times a day and time it in between meals. Not very good for me. The day I started feeling better I lacked on my medication taking...meaning I skipped a whole day. Needles to say, I was feeling very crummy all over again the very next day. I finally finished it all and I am feeling great. Thank God.

3. My dryer broke! It got fixed.. Then it broke again. As crazy as it sounds I was sort of happy about it. Since we've moved here I've wanted a line outside to hang laundry. I have always loved the idea of letting your clothes dry in the natural air and breeze. So while we were waiting for a replacement part the second time, Jay finally put one up for me! I was so excited and he immediately captured a picture of me jumping up to grab the highest point of the line. I won't be posting that picture here. BUT, here is one of my very first dry...

What I've been reading....

I love Kimberly Hahn and so far this has been a very nice treat to read. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

2013 Patron Saints

This year I am starting with a new Patron Saint for the year. This will be my first year participating and I am so elated. I first heard about doing this at The Hell With It and asked Jessica to give My Husband and I a saint together and also one for just myself. Drum roll please....

Saint Maximilian Kolbe 

Saint Isidore the Farmer

Jennifer at Conversion Diary also has a Saints name generator. When I went to Jennifer's site I clicked on the Saints name generator and I curiously wanted to see who came up. It's so funny how the Lord works. I was generated Saint Isidore the Farmer again. I exited after that and fully accepted my 2013 Patron Saints. I know of St. Maximillian Kolbe but not Saint Isidore the Farmer. I am looking forward to getting to know my new friends for the year! :) 

On another note.. if you could keep our family in your prayers it would be greatly appreciated. We have a new adventure that we are starting. It came up unexpected but we decided to run with what was put in front of us. Which is......

Yup, those of you that know me personally probably think I am crazy about now. I think I am right there with you in questioning my sanity. We did homeschool with Vivi last year but after we had Bear and we moved she wanted to try to go to school in the local elementary school where her cousin goes as well. The school is a really good school and everyone there is really sweet so I was pretty shocked when an opening came up in a home study program she was on a wait list for. I immediately half declined because of the fear I had of puling her out of school mid year... AGAIN... but after praying about it and talking with my husband, my daughter and some friends, we decided to do it. I am very nervous about doing this with the boys but I think I have enough support to be successful with it.  

WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!! I can't wait for all the adventures this year will bring and being able to make God and learning go hand in hand is a blessing that we have missed.