Friday, December 16, 2011

CHRISTMAS shopping!!

This is going to be short because I only have a second before I need to get my day going but I will follow up later hopefully.

Christmas shopping in CA... Yes, CHRISTmas shopping not holiday shopping! As I have been at the mall these last few weeks more than I gave been in years to shop for Christmas I have been wondering if ANY store employee will tell me Merry Christmas when I am leaving the store. So far I have gotten nothing but Happy Holidays. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful at the kindness employees give with a smile but I wonder if they are told to say that or if it's a personal choice. And I know not everyone celebrates Christmas so some are just afraid to offend people. But I get more "happy halloweens" in October than I have ever gotten "Merry Christmas" in December. Where has all the spirit gone? It is Christmas! Christmas is known to originate from the birth of Jesus. Our wonderful son of God who has blessed us with the ultimate gift of sacrifice.

So I made a decision! I would make it a point to say Merry Christmas to everyone I came encountered with employee or shopper. And I have loved the results! As I was walking out of a few stores employees happily wished me Happy Holidays and I looked at them and gleefully responded, "Merry Christmas!". Most of the workers seemed very relieved and happy at that and returned my Merry Christmas! Some just smiled nervously. There was only one that gave me a reaction that made me chuckle a little inside. As I was purchasing something at the Disney Store the woman at the register handed me my receipt, smiled and wished me a happy holidays. I smiled back and responded with, "Merry Christmas!". I started to walk away and looked at her and she gave a very confused and shocked look. I have to admit I was a little confused by her reaction. I think she gained her composure because she shook her head a little and helped the next customer. It was then when I wished for the Edward ability to read minds. The rest of the night was a success and everyone else wished me a Merry Christmas back. I will add success to that night and hope my little project during advent can continue.

Ps. Excuse me for any typos. I don't have time to spellcheck.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


How relaxing would this room be?!!! This room is my perfect dream reading room! Amazing!